Favorite artworks from the Bible
with Hidden Meanings explained
Angels Caravaggio, Giotto, Bernini, da Vinci, Petrus Christus, Henry Tanner, etc.

Moses with the Stone Tablets, Michelangelo
Cain murders Abel Tintoretto, Ghiberti, Rubens, Reynolds, Rembrandt
Esther Rembrandt, Millais, Tintoretto, Gentileschi, Michelangelo
More about Esther Lippi, Lefevre, Vignon, Victors, del Sellaio
Sarah & the slave girl Hagar Rubens, Tiepolo, Poussin, Victors, Barbieri
Judith and Holofernes Klimt, Caravaggio, Gentileschi, Allori, Cranach
The Madonna Botticelli, Mantegna, Michelangelo, Giotto, Fra Angelico
Mary, mother of Jesus Waterhouse, Hitchcock, Tanner, Rosetti, Burne-Jones, Fra Angelico, Petrus Christus, Caravaggio
Moses & Miriam Poussin, Veronese, Goodall, Alma-Tadema, Hogarth
Noah and the Great Flood Hicks, Brueghel, Ghiberti, Salvador Dali, Millais
Potiphar’s Wife Alma-Tadema, Cigoli, Tintorett, Reni, Cignani, Rembrandt
Rachel and Leah, Michelangelo, statues on Tomb of Pope Julius II (at right)
Rebecca and Isaac Poussin, Veronese, Pittoni, Murille, Tiepolo, Rembrandt
Ruth and Naomi Gagan, Rooke, Calderon, Chagall, Tissot, Blake, Lastman, Hugues
Tamar and Judah Chagall, Kevissimo, Collaert, Vernet, de Gelder