Choosing a place

Meditation guide: a young plant can grow great
First, have a special place for your meditation, a space not used for any other purpose.
Set aside this space with a comfortable chair or cushions. Make the area around it tidy. Always treat this space with respect: it is your place of peace and beauty.
You may want to put in a small focus object, something that calms and pleases you, or has happy associations. Have your Bible close by, open at the passage you wish to explore.
Preparing your body and mind
Always remember that your body is an important part of meditation. Do some stretching exercises before you sit down. Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out a number of times. Relax your shoulder and neck muscles. Be comfortable.
If you have difficulty doing this, remember you are not alone. Think about God, ask him to calm your body and mind. Sit quietly like this until you feel you are ready to read the Bible passage you have selected.
Choosing a theme
First, you must choose a story, passage or theme that appeals to you. There are links to some guided reflections in the left-hand column of this page, or you may already have a passage you have chosen yourself.
Pick up your Bible gently, and read the passage. Read it slowly. There is no hurry.
- What are the phrases that seem most important to you? Take the phrase that seems most important, and think about it.
- Why has it caught your attention?
- How does it relate to your life?
- Does it have a message for you?
- Or can you hear God saying something to you through this Bible passage?
Remember that everything that happens to us is part of God’s unfolding plan. God holds you in the palm of his hand. He cares for you and protects you even when, or perhaps especially when, bad things happen. Be at peace with yourself.
Take that peace with you when you move out of your reflection time. Use it in your everyday life, with God’s wisdom and compassion to guide you.
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Step by step guide to reflecting or meditating on Bible stories and themes
© Copyright 2006
Elizabeth Fletcher