Useful links for Queen Esther’s story
Esther’s world. Life in Babylon. The Jewish people in exile. Why had this happened to Esther’s people? How could they repair the damage. Esther’s people return to Jerusalem.
Major events in a woman’s life. Puberty, marriage, child-bearing, death. Jewish customs for a menstruating woman. Bathing in a mikveh. Choosing a husband. What made an ideal husband? What made an ideal wife? What about the dowry?
Ten famous Bible heroines. Queen Esther, Deborah, Queen of Sheba, Judith, Ruth, Mary of Nazareth, Shiprah and Puah, Jael, Rahab the prostitute, Joanna the Apostle.
Ancient palaces. Solomon’s palace. Samaria – the Ivory House. The Samaria Ivories. Fabled Persepolis. Masada – King Herod’s palace.
Jewels in the ancient world. How did they survive? What jewels did Bible people wear? Canaanite ‘horned’ bracelet. Links with the Bible. Jewelry of Queen Puabi. The Nimrud treasure.
Bible study ideas. Movies about the dangers for women like Esther, in a treacherous royal court. Debate: that benign despotism is an effective form of government. Focus questions. Write Esther’s biography.
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Elizabeth Fletcher