Jezebel: Bible study activities
‘Jezebel’ in movies
Make up a list of movies that have a ‘Jezebel’ character– either recent ones, or memorable oldies. Using this list, discuss the following questions:
- What are the main ideas in any story that has a ‘Jezebel’ character?
- What are her qualities? Her strengths? Her weakness?
- What are the main ideas in the film you have chosen to think about?
- What are the central relationships?
- Do any of the scenes remind you of your own life or experiences? Do you have a bit of Jezebel in you?
Group activity
Discuss the questions above, making sure everyone in the group has a chance to talk about their ideas.
Individual activity
Take some time to sit down for a few minutes and focus your mind
- think about your responses to the film, and to ideas from the story of Jezebel
- jot down your responses
- leave them for a few days, then look at them again: do you still agree with what you wrote? Have you any new ideas you would like to add?
Movies about power, and abuse of power
Can you name these movies?
Can you see a connection with Jezebel’s story?
Answers HERE (see ‘Jezebel’) If you got them all, you’re a real movie buff. Can you think of others?
Jezebel – guilty or innocent?
Conduct a mock trial of Jezebel. You will need a panel of judges, a prosecution and defense lawyer and their assistants, and gatherers of evidence.
- Divide into two groups, one for the defense and one for the prosecution.
- Have each group decide on points your ‘lawyer’ will argue, and imagine points that the other side’s lawyer may raise.
- Choose a member of the group who will speak as a lawyer for its side, and his/her assistants.
- Nominate a panel of judges, and decide on their role.
- Conduct the trial with an opening address, arguments for both sides, and summary.
- Listen to feedback from the panel of judges.
Courage in today’s world
Discuss instances in your own life when you have needed great courage.
- Describe one incident, then answer the following questions:
- What helped you in this situation?
- Whom did you rely on?
- What were the results for your own self-confidence?
Topic: ‘That more can be achieved by a benevolent dictatorship than by a democracy.’

Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Great Britain
- Divide into two groups, one to take the affirmative side and one the negative side.
- Have each group decide on points for their own side, and consider points that the other side might raise.
- Choose the speakers for each group.
- Nominate the chairperson and explain that role.
- Make sure everyone understands the debating rules.
- Choose the judging panel.
- Debate the issue.
- Listen to feedback from the panel.
- Discuss yours and other people’s reactions to the debate.
Focus Questions
1. What are the most interesting moments in Jezebel’s story, or in a particular episode of her story?

An ancient queen presents a gift to her husband the king – as Jezebel presented Naboth’s vineyard to Ahab
2. In the story, who acts? Who gets what they want? If you were in the story, which person would you want to be? Which person would you want to avoid?
3. What is God’s interaction with the main characters? What does this tell you about the narrator’s image of God? Do you agree with this image?
4. What is happening on either side of the story, in the chapters before and after it? Does this help you understand what is happening?
5. The narrator/editor has chosen to tell some things and leave other things out. What has been left out of the story that you would like to know?
6. Are the characteristics and actions of the people in the story still present in the world? How is the story relevant to modern life, especially your own?
Famous Quotes
‘she painted her eyes and adorned her head, and looked out of the window’ (2 Kings 9:30)
For thousands of years, women have been called ‘Jezebels’ if they used cosmetics, particularly any sort of coloring on their faces.
The argument against using cosmetics is that women are trying to improve on God’s creation.
In other words, women are dissatisfied with God’s handiwork and think they can do better themselves.
What is your reaction to this accusation?
Extra Websites
Jezebel – first on the list of the Bible’s Top Ten Bad Women
Bible Top Ten Bad Women
Why does it rain? Or not? How can people keep safe?
Gods and goddesses in the ancient world
Study guide, historical background, new ideas: not as boring as it sounds
Bible Women: Jezebel
Sophisticated jewelry worn by royal women like Jezebel
Bible Archaeology: Ancient Jewelry
What did the ancient Israelites really believe?
Archaeology: Ancient Religions
Jezebel’s palace, the ‘Ivory House’ at Samaria
Bible Archaeology: Palaces
Ruins of ancient cities like Jezreel, where Jezebel died
Bible Archaeology: Cities
Omri and Ahab, among the Bible’s Top Ten Warriors
Bible Top Ten Warriors
Jehu murders Jezebel and the royal children
Top Ten Bible Murders
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Elizabeth Fletcher