Women in the Bible

The first five books of the Bible are like a pattern book of human history. It’s all there. The greedy, stupid destruction of what could be a paradise. The ruthless struggle for power. And despite all this, the unending search for something better, something good, the Good that is God.


Salome danced for Herod
Salome’s dangerous world

Jezebel, the ‘painted hussy’

Bathsheba took a chance
Activities    Text    Her world
People in Bathsheba’s story

Queen of Sheba & Solomon

Scandalous Queen Berenice

Herodias, wily mother of Salome

Jerusha, ambitious mother

Michal loved handsome David
Text     Harem life     Her story

Athaliah, queen of Judah

Basemath & Taphath, sisters

Maacah, forgotten princess

Tamar, tragic rape victim
Tamar: what writers say

Maacah II, beloved wife, exile

Rizpah, her sons murdered

Princess Tamar, rape victim

Naamah, woman of mystery

Vashti, discarded queen

Famous stories

Women at Jesus’ tomb

Bathsheba, David’s great love
Bathsheba – useful links

Deborah faces an army 
Deborah – useful links

Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin
Elizabeth – useful links

Beautiful Queen Esther
Esther – interesting links

Jezebel, Bible  harlot

Beautiful, deadly Judith

Martha & Mary of Bethany
Martha & Mary – new ideas

Mary Magdalene: ex-prostitute?
What writers say

The real Mary of Nazareth

Beautiful, tragic Rachel

Ruth, a love story

Tamar demands her rights
Her family    Text    Her world
Bible study ideas


Upwardly mobile Abigail

Deborah & Jael, giant-killers 

Hannah, mistaken for a drunk
Hannah – some new ideas

Judith – deadly seductress!

Mary Magdalene, apostle
Activities    Gospels    Her world

Jesus’ mother Mary of Nazareth

Miriam, leader of women
Miriam’s world    The text
Miriam’s story – new ideas

Naomi: how to get a husband 

Rachel, the beloved

Rahab the prostitute

Far-sighted Rebecca

Loyal, clever Ruth

The Samaritan Woman
Text     Ancient Samaria

Wounded women

Adulterous woman & Jesus 

Delilah – Samson’s downfall!
Bible study   Text   Her world

Dinah, victim of male violence

Eve, great mother of all

Egyptian slave girl Hagar

Jephtah’s daughter sacrificed
Study ideas

Lonely, unloved Leah

Levite’s concubine murdered

The real Mary Magdalene

Woman with an issue of blood
Rules for menstruation    Text 

Potiphar’s lonely, lustful wife
Bible text    Women in Egypt

The Syro-Phoenician Mother

Tamar gets justice from Judah
Tamar/Judah – new ideas  

The Crippled Woman and Jesus

Pilate’s Roman Wife

Bible Heroes

Noah saves the earth
Noah – Bible study ideas
Noah’s story: is it true?

Abraham, father of his people

Isaac: the scramble for power
Isaac: important links

Jacob: a man searches for God

Joseph of Egypt

Baby Moses cast adrift

Moses, leader, lawgiver, legend

Moses & the Burning Bush

Moses & the 10 Plagues

Ehud murders Eglon

King David

Solomon, wise & foolish

Joseph of Nazareth

Peter, apostle of Jesus

John the Baptist: prophet

War in the Bible

Ancient warfare
Ideas/books about warfare

Battle! Deborah & Sisera

PsyWar: spooking the enemy

Duels to the death

What was the Trojan Horse?

Ancient weapons

Ancient shields

Swords and daggers

War chariots


David’s deadly slingshot

Armor in ancient wars

Battering rams

Bow & arrow

Battle axes

Pictures of axes

Chariot horses

10 Bible Women

Ruth    People in her story
Activities   Text   Her world
Ruth – interesting links

Deborah, warrior woman  
   Text   Her world
About Jael

Queen Esther married a fool
Activities    Text    Her world
New ideas for Esther’s story

Eve, great mother    Text
Eve – the real story

Wicked Jezebel
Activities    Text    Her world

Judith slays a tyrant
Activities   Text   Her world

Mary Magdalene    Text
Activities     Magdalene’s world
What writers say about MM

Mary, mother of Jesus
Activities    Text    Mary’s world 

Rachel, the beloved     Text
Extra ideas
Activities      Rachel’s world

Rahab the prostitute
New ideas about Rahab

Sarah, tribal princess     Text

Marriage & family

Virgins & maidens

Monogamy? Polygamy?

Money & marriage: bride price

Weddings in the Bible

Childbirth in the ancient world

Babies & children in the Bible

Adultery in the Bible

Divorce in the Bible

Family – who was the boss?

Family, work, religion

Levirate Law protects the weak

Major events


What are ‘angels’?

Did Jesus marry Magdalene?

Mary of Nazareth: the real woman

Da Vinci Code: true or false?

Abraham: was his story true?

Was Moses really an Egyptian?

Was Noah’s Ark true?

Was the Tower of Babel real?

What was the Covenant?

Who was Abraham’s God?

Who was the God of Moses?

Who was King David’s God?

New this week

Beautiful Queen Esther

Wicked Queen Jezebel

Mysterious Queen of Sheba

Scandalous Queen Berenice

Lovely Sarah, tribal princess

10 Bible heroines

Princesses of Israel

Bible Paintings

Beautiful Angels

Noah & the Flood

Cain murders Abel

The Madonna

Mary of Nazareth

Judith murders Holofernes
Judith: Bible story

Ruth & Naomi

Rachel & her sister Leah

Rebecca & Isaac

Joseph & Potiphar’s wife

Moses & Miriam

Beautiful Esther

More on Esther

Hagar & Sarah

Tamar seduces Judah

Daily Life

Adultery in the Bible

Ancient jewels – royal bling!

Childbirth in the ancient world

Clothes for children

Clothes – what people wore

Clothes for rich & poor

Clothes: the evidence


Dogs in the Bible world

Divorce in the Bible

Family – who was the boss?

Family, work, religion

Farming in ancient times

Food – what Bible people ate

Kosher – clean & unclean foods

Marriage: monogamy, polygamy

Money & marriage: bride price

Levirate Law protects the weak

Major events

Music in the ancient world

Ancient musical instruments

Work: what people did

Slaves in the ancient world

Cattle, goats, sheep, asses

What was crucifixion?

Circumcision in the Bible

Bible Top Ten

Top 10 Bad Women
Bad women: extra ideas
Bad women – more links

Top 10 Bad Bible Men

10 Bible Heroes

10 Bible Heroines

10 Young People in the Bible

10 Princesses of Israel & Judah

10 Plagues of Egypt

Top 10 Bible Movies

Top 10 Bible Paintings

Top 10 Christian Songs

Top 10 Ideas: what is God?

Top 10 Bible Kings

Top 10 Bible Murders

Top 10 Gospel Villains

10 Worst Sins in the Bible

10 Bible Warriors

10 Ways to Heaven

10 Ways to Hell

Books of the Bible

What’s in the Book of Amos?

What is the Book of Chronicles?

What is the Book of Ecclesiastes?

What’s in the Book of Esther?

What’s in the Book of Ezra?

Book of Ezra

What’s in the Book of Genesis?

What is the Book of Job?

What’s in the Book of Joshua?

What’s in the Book of Judith?

What’s in Kings 1 &  2?

What is Maccabees 1 & 2 about?

Book of Nehemiah

What are the Bible Psalms?

What is the Book of Revelation?

What’s in the Book of Ruth?

Samuel 1 & 2

What’s the Song of Songs?

Book of Tobit

Book of Zephania

Covenant with God

What are the Wisdom Books?

True Heroines

Pilate’s wife warns him
Pilate’s wife – links

Anna saw the Messiah

 Asenath of ancient Egypt 

Dorcas/Tabitha raised 

Elizabeth greeted the Messiah
Bible study    Text    Her world

Huldah, a prophetess

Joanna saw the Resurrection 

Martha & Mary, sisters   Gospels
Life in Bethany    Bible study
New ideas

Noah’s patient wife  

Peter’s mother-in-law  


Dorcas/Tabitha & Peter 

The widow who gave all

The eerie Witch of Endor 

Zipporah circumcised her son

The demon-woman Lilith

Who was … ?

Aaron, High Priest

Adam, first man

Cain & Abel

The Good Samaritan

Herod Agrippa: trapped Peter

Herod Antipas: the fox

King Herod the Great

Jephtah: tragic warrior
Jephtah: important links

Judas: why did he do it?

Nathan, David’s wise guide

Samson, Bible strong man

Saul, Israel’s tragic king

Saul/Paul, passionate convert

King Solomon – quick facts

Ancient Buildings

Temple, Jericho, Megiddo

Solomon’s palace

Fortress/palace of Masada

Houses for rich & poor

Ancient cities

Tower of Babel

Ancient palaces

Ancient temples

Tombs for the dead

Catacombs for Christians

Ancient technology

Sacred Buildings

Great temples

Ark of the Covenant

Solomon’s Temple

Jerusalem Temple

Tabernacle, Holy of Holies

Ziggurats of Babylon

Ancient worship

Gods & Goddesses

Ancient Sacrifices

Human sacrifice

Ark of the Covenant

Ancient Altars of Sacrifice

Astrology & the Bible

Astronomy in the Bible

Ancient High Places

Ancient Temples

Tabernacle, Holy of Holies

Aaron & the Golden Calf

Lucky charms in the Bible

Magic in the Bible

Pagan idols in the Bible

Casting Lots

The Temple of Solomon

The 2nd Temple of Jerusalem

Jerusalem Temple – King Herod

What did the Israelites believe?

Witches & mediums

 Ziggurats of Babylon

Ancient cities



Jerusalem before King David

Solomon’s Jerusalem

Jerusalem maps

Meditation, prayer

How to meditate, pray

Trust in God

Belief in God


Tough decisions

For parents

Getting up again

When life is unfair

Hope in God

Parable of the seeds

Bits & pieces

List of women in the Bible

Glossary, meanings of words

Bible study activities

Bible maps

Bible history – is it true?

Bible quiz – Old Testament

Bible quiz – New Testament

The Da Vinci Code

Directory: the women’s stories

Bible women: Scripture texts

A Bible woman for President?

Movie quiz answers

Heaven is the world as God meant it to be


Is the Bible true? That’s the wrong question. The Bible is about Truth, not about correct facts. Was Goliath exactly xx cubits tall? Maybe, maybe not. He was Very Big – that’s the message.


Write down the word ‘Good’. Take out an ‘o’. What have you got? Now write down ‘Evil’. Put a ‘d’ in front. See?